The image is a digital painting of a fantasy landscape. It shows a woman standing on a beach, looking out at a body of water. The water is surrounded by tall cliffs, which are covered in lush vegetation. The cliffs are so tall that they block out the sun, creating a dark and shadowy area where the woman is standing. The only light comes from the water, which is a bright blue color. The woman is wearing a brown leather outfit and has a sword strapped to her back. She is looking out at the water with a determined expression on her face. The image is full of mystery and wonder, and it leaves the viewer wondering what will happen next.
title Fantasy landscape with woman, cliffs, water, sword, mystery, determination.
description The image is a digital painting of a fantasy landscape. It shows a woman standing on a beach, looking out at a body of water. The water is surrounded by tall cliffs, which are covered in lush vegetation. The cliffs are so tall that they block out the sun, creating a dark and shadowy area where the woman is standing. The only light comes from the water, which is a bright blue color. The woman is wearing a brown leather outfit and has a sword strapped to her back. She is looking out at the water with a determined expression on her face. The image is full of mystery and wonder, and it leaves the viewer wondering what will happen next.
resolution 820x1024
creativity 95/100
likes 3
from Click to get the source of image (1024 x 1280)
Model Stable Diffusionv1.5
prompt advntr, beautiful woman with long brown hair in a dense jungle next to a lush cliff, fog
negative prompt low quality
parameters seed2960660766 steps30 samplerDDIM CFG scale7 clip skip7
elapsed: 3ms0,2,1