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It's raining heavily and there are several yellow umbrellas caught in the downpour. The raindrops are falling on the umbrellas and some of the raindrops are out of focus in the background. The umbrellas are being held up by something that cannot be seen. The background is green and out of focus.
The image is a night scene of a tropical storm. The sky is dark and cloudy, with lightning flashing in the distance. The storm is dumping rain on the palm trees and the water. The waves are crashing against the shore. The scene is illuminated by the lightning flashes.
A dark storm cloud is billowing in the sky. There are bolts of lightning. The storm is likely to bring heavy rain and strong winds. The trees in the foreground are green and lush. There are some houses in the distance.
There is a dark stormy sky with several bolts of lightning. The sky is filled with dark clouds. The lightning is bright and white. The storm is likely to cause heavy rain and strong winds.
The image is a collage of four different rainy scenes. The first scene is a street with a bridge in the background. It is raining heavily and the street is wet. The second scene is a park with a pond. It is also raining heavily and the pond is rippling. The third scene is a close-up of a flower garden. The flowers are wet from the rain and the petals are glistening. The fourth scene is a path in a forest. The rain is light and the path is wet.
The dark clouds are filled with lightning. The lightning is coming down in bolts and is striking the ground. The thunder is loud and the rain is coming down in sheets. The storm is very strong and it is dangerous to be outside. The storm is moving quickly and it will be over soon.
A stormy sky with purple lightning bolts.
A bolt of lightning strikes a tree in a forest. The sky is dark and stormy. The rain is coming down hard. The wind is blowing strong. The trees are swaying. The flowers are getting wet. The grass is getting soaked. The lightning is getting closer. The thunder is getting louder. The storm is getting worse.
It's raining heavily in the city. The dark clouds are covering the sky and the rain is pouring down. The cars on the road are driving slowly and the pedestrians are walking quickly, trying to get out of the rain. The street is wet and there are puddles everywhere. A black car is parked on the side of the road. The rain is falling on the car and making a tinkling sound. The car is getting wet and the windows are getting foggy.
It's a rainy day in the city. The people are walking in the rain with their umbrellas. The cars are driving slowly. The street is wet and there are puddles of water everywhere. The rain is falling heavily and it's making a lot of noise. The sky is dark and gloomy. The people are wearing raincoats and hats. They are all trying to stay dry. The city is still and quiet. The only sound is the rain falling.
It is raining in the city. The street is wet and reflective. The buildings are tall, brightly colored, and have a lot of windows. The people walking on the street are wearing raincoats and carrying umbrellas. The rain is falling hard and making a lot of noise. The sky is dark and cloudy.
A raging storm sweeps across a dense forest, illuminating the inky darkness with brilliant flashes of lightning. The deafening thunderclaps echo through the valley, and the wind howls through the trees, whipping their branches into a frenzy. The forest floor is slick with rain, and the air is thick with the scent of petrichor. In the distance, a river rages, swollen with rainwater. The scene is one of raw power and beauty, and it is impossible to escape the feeling of awe that it inspires.
A dark and stormy night. The sky is lit up by a brilliant flash of lightning that illuminates the landscape below. The thunder rumbles in the distance and the rain begins to fall. The trees sway in the wind and the leaves are blown off the branches. The river is swollen and the water is rushing over the rocks. The lightning strikes again, this time closer to the house. The thunder is deafening and the rain is coming down in sheets. The wind is howling and the trees are creaking. The house is shaking and the windows are rattling. The lightning strikes again, this time directly on the house. The thunder is deafening and the rain is coming down in sheets. The wind is howling and the trees are creaking. The house is on fire and the flames are spreading quickly.
A powerful thunderstorm sweeps across a rural landscape. The inky black clouds are lit up by frequent bolts of lightning. The storm is in the distance, but the closer trees are being blown by the wind and the rain is coming down in sheets. The scene is one of raw power and beauty.
A dark and stormy night. The sky is filled with thick, black clouds that seem to be rolling in from all directions. The lightning is almost continuous, and the thunder is deafening. The rain is coming down in sheets, and the wind is howling like a banshee. It is a truly terrifying sight.
It's a rainy day outside the window. The rain is falling heavily and the streets are wet. The cars are driving slowly and the people are walking quickly. The buildings are tall and the trees are bare. The sky is dark and the clouds are thick. The rain is making a lot of noise and it's hard to see outside.
A dark and stormy night. The sky is filled with clouds and lightning. The rain is coming down hard. The wind is blowing strong. The trees are swaying. The houses are dark. The people are inside, safe from the storm.
A dark, stormy sky is lit up by a bolt of lightning. The lightning strikes a tree in the distance, and the thunder rumbles. The rain is coming down hard, and the wind is blowing strong. The people in the houses are probably scared, but they are also probably safe. The lightning is a reminder of the power of nature, and it is also a reminder that we are all at the mercy of the weather.
A raging storm is depicted in the image. The sky is dark and filled with ominous clouds. The lightning is almost blinding as it strikes the ground. The thunder is deafening. The rain is coming down in sheets. The wind is howling. The trees are swaying and the leaves are flying. It is a truly terrifying sight.
The dark clouds are full of water. The lightning is very bright. The thunder is very loud. The storm is very strong. The field is full of water. The road is very muddy. The grass is very green. The trees are very tall. The sky is very dark. The clouds are very thick. The lightning is very scary. The thunder is very loud. The storm is very strong.
A dark and stormy sky looms over a rural landscape. The sky is filled with billowing clouds and bright flashes of lightning. The storm is likely to bring heavy rain and strong winds. The scene is both beautiful and awe-inspiring. It reminds us of the power of nature and the importance of being prepared for severe weather.
It's raining heavily in the field. The raindrops are falling on the grass and making small splashes. The grass is green and lush. The sky is dark and cloudy. The ground is wet and muddy. There is a puddle of water in the foreground. The raindrops are making ripples in the puddle.
The image is a dark and stormy night. The black clouds are swirling and the yellow lightning is flashing. The rain is pouring down and the wind is howling. The trees are swaying and the leaves are blowing off. The only light comes from the occasional flash of lightning. It is a very dramatic and intense image.
It is raining outside. The rain is falling on the leaves of the tree. The leaves are green and the rain is clear. The rain is making the leaves wet. The leaves are dripping with rain. The background is blurry.
It's raining heavily in the field. The raindrops are falling on the grass and splashing up. The grass is green and lush. The sky is dark and cloudy. The ground is wet and muddy. There is a puddle of water in the foreground. The raindrops are making ripples in the puddle. The picture is taken from a low angle, which makes the grass look taller and more imposing. The rain is coming down in sheets, and the wind is blowing strong. The grass is matted down, and the trees are swaying. The only sound is the roar of the rain. The picture is a study in contrasts: the soft, green grass against the dark, stormy sky; the still puddle against the moving rain; the silence of the scene against the violence of the storm.
The image is a dark and stormy night. The rain is coming down hard and the wind is howling. A bolt of lightning strikes a tree in the distance, illuminating the scene. The river is swollen and湍, and the trees are swaying in the wind. The only light comes from the lightning and the moon. The scene is one of wild beauty and power.
This is a watercolor painting of a stormy landscape. The sky is dark and cloudy, and the wind is whipping through the trees. The rain is coming down hard, and the river is swollen and湍. The painting is full of emotion, and the artist has captured the feeling of being caught in a storm.
The image is a dark and stormy night. The sky is black and the clouds are thick. The lightning is flashing and the thunder is roaring. The rain is coming down in sheets. The trees are blowing in the wind and the river is overflowing. The scene is one of wild and untamed nature.
It's raining outside. The rain is falling heavily and making a lot of noise as it hits the ground. The trees are swaying in the wind and the leaves are blowing off the branches. The grass is getting wet and green. The rain is making the world look new and fresh.
It is raining heavily in the city. The buildings are tall and the reflections are clear in the water. The road is flooded and looks like a river. There are people walking on the sidewalks and they are all wearing raincoats. The sky is dark and cloudy.
The image is a dark and stormy landscape. The sky is filled with heavy, black clouds, and the wind is whipping through the trees. The river is swollen and rushing, and the rocks in the foreground are slick with rain. The only light comes from a few small breaks in the clouds, which cast a pale glow over the scene. The image is full of foreboding, and it seems like a storm is about to break.
It's a rainy day in the city. The lightning is flashing and the thunder is rumbling. The rain is coming down hard and the streets are deserted. There is a car parked on the side of the road. The buildings are tall and imposing. The scene is dark and dramatic.
The image shows a heavy rain. The raindrops are falling on the ground and creating small puddles. The background is blurred, but it looks like there are trees and plants in the distance. The rain is falling in sheets and it looks like it is coming down very hard. The image is very calming and peaceful.
The image is a close-up of a rainy day. The rain is falling heavily and the water droplets are hitting the ground and splashing. The image is dark and moody, and the only light comes from the rain. The rain is falling in sheets and the image is very atmospheric.
It's raining heavily in the city. The lightning is flashing and the thunder is roaring. The cars are driving slowly and the people are walking quickly. The buildings are tall and the trees are swaying. The city is alive and vibrant, even in the rain.
It is raining heavily in the image. The dark clouds are full of water, and the rain is pouring down. The trees are淋湿的, and the路is wet. The only light comes from the sky, which is a bright yellow. The rain is falling in sheets, and it looks like it will continue for a long time.
A raging river rushes through a valley. The sky is dark and ominous, filled with storm clouds. A bolt of lightning strikes a tree on the far side of the river, illuminating the scene. The river is swollen and turbulent, with large rocks jutting out of the water. The trees on the banks of the river are tall and majestic. The scene is one of raw natural beauty and power.
It's raining heavily outside. The rain is falling in sheets and the wind is blowing strong. The trees are swaying and the flowers are drooping. The only sound is the rain hitting the ground. It's a gloomy day, but there's something beautiful about the rain. It's like nature's way of washing away the old and making way for the new.
A dark and stormy night. The clouds are thick and ominous, and the lightning is flashing brightly. The thunder is rumbling loudly, and the rain is pouring down. The wind is howling, and the trees are swaying. The city is lit up by the lightning, and the people are huddled in their homes, afraid of the storm.
The image is a beautiful landscape of a stormy sky. The dark clouds are filled with lightning. The bolts of lightning are illuminating the sky. The storm is likely to be accompanied by heavy rain and strong winds.
It's a rainy day. The street is wet and the trees are dripping. Two people with umbrellas are walking away from the camera. The street is lined with trees and cars are parked on either side. The rain is falling heavily and the people are walking quickly to get out of the rain. The image is in muted colors and the overall effect is one of gloom and sadness.
The image is of a dark and stormy sky. The clouds are thick and black, and the wind is whipping through the trees. The rain is coming down in sheets, and the ground is covered in mud. There is a large rock in the foreground of the image, and it is covered in moss and lichen. The image is very atmospheric, and it captures the feeling of being in the middle of a storm.
The dark clouds loom overhead, pregnant with rain. The sea churns and boils beneath them, whipped into a frenzy by the wind. The waves crash against the jagged rocks, sending up spray and foam. The lightning flashes and cracks, illuminating the scene in an eerie glow. The thunder rumbles and roars, shaking the ground. The storm is at its height, and it is a sight to behold.
It is raining in the city. The street is wet and there are puddles of water everywhere. A blue umbrella is abandoned in the middle of the street. There are people walking in the rain with their umbrellas. There are cars parked on the side of the street. The buildings are tall and imposing. The rain is coming down hard and it is making a lot of noise. The city is still and quiet. The only sound is the rain.
It is raining heavily in the forest. The rain is falling on the leaves of the trees. The leaves are getting wet and shiny. The rain is making a lot of noise as it falls on the leaves. The trees are swaying in the wind. The rain is also making the ground wet. The forest is very beautiful in the rain.
A dark and stormy night. The sky is filled with thick, black clouds that are lit up by frequent bolts of lightning. The thunder is loud and the rain is coming down in sheets. The wind is howling and the trees are swaying. It is a wild and dangerous night.
It's a rainy day and three kids are running and splashing in the puddles. They are all wearing raincoats and carrying umbrellas. The street is wet and there are cars parked on either side. The buildings are tall and there are a few trees. The rain is coming down hard but the kids are still having fun.
The watercolor painting is of a stormy landscape. The sky is dark and cloudy, with a bolt of lightning in the distance. The rain is coming down hard, and the river is overflowing. The trees are blowing in the wind, and the bushes are soaked. The painting is full of movement and energy. The colors are vibrant and intense. The painting is a beautiful and dramatic depiction of a stormy day.
It's raining heavily on a city street at night. The street is lit by streetlights and the headlights of cars. People are walking in the street, some of them are holding umbrellas. The people are wearing coats and hats to protect themselves from the rain. The rain is falling hard and making a lot of noise.  The street is crowded with people, all of whom are trying to get out of the rain.
A dark and stormy night. The sky is lit up by a bolt of lightning. The thunder rumbles in the distance. The rain is coming down hard. The wind is howling. The trees are swaying. The power is out. The roads are flooded. The cars are abandoned. The people are scared. They are huddled together in their homes, hoping that the storm will pass quickly.
It is raining heavily in the city. The street is wet and deserted. There are only a few people walking in the rain. They are all wearing coats and hats. They are hurrying to get to their destination. The rain is falling hard on the ground. The street lights are on. The city looks gloomy and sad.
It's raining heavily in the city. The rain is falling in sheets and the wind is blowing it against the buildings. The ground is wet and there are puddles everywhere. The street lights are on and they are reflecting in the puddles. The city is empty except for a few cars driving by.
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