The image shows a shark wearing a human suit, sitting at a table and playing poker. The shark is wearing a blue suit jacket and a black turtleneck sweater. It has a shark fin sticking out of the back of its head. The shark is holding a cigar in its mouth and is looking at the cards in its hand. There are cards on the table in front of him. The shark is surrounded by luxury items, such as a leather chair, a crystal decanter, and a painting on the wall.
judul Shark in human suit playing poker surrounded by luxury.
deskripsi The image shows a shark wearing a human suit, sitting at a table and playing poker. The shark is wearing a blue suit jacket and a black turtleneck sweater. It has a shark fin sticking out of the back of its head. The shark is holding a cigar in its mouth and is looking at the cards in its hand. There are cards on the table in front of him. The shark is surrounded by luxury items, such as a leather chair, a crystal decanter, and a painting on the wall.
resolusi 1024x682
suka 4
dari Klik untuk mendapatkan sumber gambar (1152 x 768)
Model Stable Diffusionv1.5
perintah A shark with a cruel smile, seated in a wheelchair, holds four Spanish playing cards in its hands.
perintah negatif
parameter seed491276032
berlalu: 2ms0,1,1