The image shows two anime girls with black hair and blue eyes. The girl on the left has a more mature figure and is wearing a red and black outfit. The girl on the right has a more youthful figure and is wearing a white shirt and pink sweater. Both girls are smiling and have their hair blowing in the wind. The background is a bright blue sky with white clouds.
título Two anime girls with black hair and blue eyes smiling.
descrição The image shows two anime girls with black hair and blue eyes. The girl on the left has a more mature figure and is wearing a red and black outfit. The girl on the right has a more youthful figure and is wearing a white shirt and pink sweater. Both girls are smiling and have their hair blowing in the wind. The background is a bright blue sky with white clouds.
resolução 682x1024
gosta 4
de Clique para obter a fonte da imagem (1024 x 1536)
Modelo Stable Diffusionv1.5
LoRA Videl/ビーデル - Dragon Ball (Adult) | CharacterV1.0
comandos Made with controlnet and
comandos negativos
parâmetros seednull stepsnull samplernull CFG scalenull clip skipnull
decorrido: 2ms0,1,1