The image shows a shark wearing armor. The shark is blue and white, and the armor is gray and brown. The shark has its mouth open and is showing its teeth. It is also surrounded by a lot of fish.
título Armored blue and white shark surrounded by fish.
descrição The image shows a shark wearing armor. The shark is blue and white, and the armor is gray and brown. The shark has its mouth open and is showing its teeth. It is also surrounded by a lot of fish.
resolução 1024x1024
gosta 5
de Clique para obter a fonte da imagem (1536 x 1536)
Modelo Stable Diffusionv1.5
Fine-tuning Cute Characters
comandos shark, armor, Sharks wear armor, HD,
comandos negativos
parâmetros seed72842752
decorrido: 3ms0,2,1