The image shows a large, prehistoric shark with a long, pointed snout and rows of sharp teeth swimming towards the viewer. Its body is covered in dark, rough skin, and its eyes are a deep, piercing red. The shark is surrounded by a swirling cloud of sand and debris, and the water around it is dark and murky.
標題 Prehistoric shark with sharp teeth and piercing red eyes.
描述 The image shows a large, prehistoric shark with a long, pointed snout and rows of sharp teeth swimming towards the viewer. Its body is covered in dark, rough skin, and its eyes are a deep, piercing red. The shark is surrounded by a swirling cloud of sand and debris, and the water around it is dark and murky.
解析度 580x1024
喜歡 6
來自 點擊取得圖片的来源 (896 x 1584)
模型 Stable Diffusion XLv0.9
微調 Leonardo Diffusion XL
提示词 Generate a hyperrealistic representation of a megalodon in 8K resolution, using a 50mm lens to reveal every detail and color of this ancient predator.
參數 seed209510400
耗时: 2ms0,1,1