The image shows a silhouette of a person, composed of black letters and numbers, standing on a rooftop overlooking a city skyline. The figure appears to be jumping or running, with a blurred background of buildings and a hazy sky. The scattered letters and numbers create a sense of digital noise or code, suggesting a connection between the figure and the digital realm. The overall image conveys a feeling of movement, energy, and the merging of the physical and digital worlds.
標題 Digital figure leaps over cityscape, blending physical and virtual realms.
描述 The image shows a silhouette of a person, composed of black letters and numbers, standing on a rooftop overlooking a city skyline. The figure appears to be jumping or running, with a blurred background of buildings and a hazy sky. The scattered letters and numbers create a sense of digital noise or code, suggesting a connection between the figure and the digital realm. The overall image conveys a feeling of movement, energy, and the merging of the physical and digital worlds.
解析度 1024x682
喜歡 100
來自 點擊取得圖片的来源 (1344 x 896)
模型 Midjourneyv6.0
提示词 a superhero, alphabet suit, rooftop, shanghai, early morning, floating letters and numbers, levitation, spotlight --ar 3:2 --p 1uv7cfn
耗时: 4ms0,2,2