A futuristic, white drone with six rotors hovers above a picturesque landscape.  The drone has a sleek, almost car-like central body, and its design suggests advanced technology.  The background showcases a lush green valley with traditional-style buildings nestled amongst rolling hills and towering cliffs, creating a stark contrast between the modern technology and the natural beauty.  The overall image evokes a sense of technological advancement within a serene environment.
標題 Futuristic white drone hovers over picturesque natural landscape.
描述 A futuristic, white drone with six rotors hovers above a picturesque landscape. The drone has a sleek, almost car-like central body, and its design suggests advanced technology. The background showcases a lush green valley with traditional-style buildings nestled amongst rolling hills and towering cliffs, creating a stark contrast between the modern technology and the natural beauty. The overall image evokes a sense of technological advancement within a serene environment.
解析度 1024x1024
喜歡 100
來自 點擊取得圖片的来源 (1024 x 1024)
模型 Midjourneyv6
提示词 Used to resist flooding flying machine, flying at low altitude in mountain villages, wings can be changed, simple background, technology and realistic style, white metal color, outdoor lighting
耗时: 2ms0,1,1