標題 四位穿着獨特服裝的時尚女性優雅地站在一起。
描述 圖像顯示四位美麗的女性並排站立。她們都穿着不同但同樣時尚的服裝。左邊的女士穿着白色吊帶上衣和一雙棕色靴子,有短棕色頭髮和棕色眼睛。旁邊的女士穿着米色高領連衣裙和一雙棕色靴子,有短棕色頭髮和藍色眼睛。中間的女士穿着棕色半身裙和米色高領上衣搭配腰帶,有短棕色頭髮和綠色眼睛。右邊的女士穿着白色高開叉連衣裙和一雙白色靴子,有短棕色頭髮和棕色眼睛。所有女士都化了妝,以不同的方式打理了頭髮。她們以不同的姿勢站立,目光也各不相同。背景是純淡灰色。
解析度 768x1024
創意 85/100
喜歡 9
來自 點擊取得圖片的来源 (768 x 1024)
模型 Stable Diffusionv1.5
提示词 Average Height, Wide Hips, Triangular Face, Olive Skin, Light Brown Hair, Brown Eyes, Short Nose, Thin Lips, Round Chin, Short Hair, Wavy Hair, full breasts, Turtleneck sweater with a long skirt and ankle boots, fuming, kicker light, Negative Space, Monochromatic
負面提示词 mole, sluggish, okay, downtrodden, unrefined, low quality, disheartened, signature, sorry, somber, bleak, dolorous, disfigured, bad, crappy, abject, unpleasant, awful, morose, messy drawing, desolate, poorly drawn hands, ghastly, children, sorrowful, horrible, gross, fat, ugly, downcast, mediocre, uninspiring, plaintive, heavy-hearted, terrible, joyless, worst, despondent, dismal, lugubrious, nipples,ugly, wretched, childish, tragical, unattractive, blurry, unambitious, worst quality, grieved, heartbroken, disenchanted, hostile, crestfallen, joy-less, (painting by bad-artist-anime)++, disheartening, miserable, artist name, noise,deformed fingers,dust, jpeg artifacts, hopeless, yucky, obese, garbage, tattoos, anguished, shitty, sad, annoying, anime, text, unpleasing, child, decent, depressing, (painting by bad-artist)++, low quality++), dumb, crest-fallen, unsympathetic, pitiable, poorly drawn face, dreadful, error, cursed, discomfited, disgusting, unappealing, abysmal, mutated, username, average, unfortunate, cropped, calamitous, unfriendly, gloomy, surly, uninviting, distressful, frightful, teen, atrocious, useless, watermark, disagreeable, sickening, drab, execrable, unappreciative, woebegone, regretful, dispirited, oppressed, tattoo, woeful, girl, odious, boring, (worst quality, dull, ok, black, horrid, dreary, boy, grievous, down, tearful, sullen, unappetizing, melancholy, unhappy, dejected, silly, listless, unrefreshing, extra limb, unenthusiastic, mournful, cheerless, pitiful, unromantic, painful, ruinous, shoddy, despairing, bad anatomy, regrettable, sick, lame, stupid, deformed, lamentable, discouraged, chubby, mutation, normal quality, doleful, forlorn, baneful, disfavored, naked,
參數 seed1267361508 steps40 samplerEuler a CFG scale12 clip skip12
耗时: 4ms0,2,2