This image shows a shark with the skin of a jaguar. The shark is swimming in the ocean, and its powerful jaws are open, exposing it's sharp teeth. The shark's body is covered in spots, and its eyes are a deep blue. The shark is a fearsome predator, and it is well-camouflaged in the ocean.
標題 Jaguar-skinned shark swimming in the ocean, a fearsome predator.
描述 This image shows a shark with the skin of a jaguar. The shark is swimming in the ocean, and its powerful jaws are open, exposing it's sharp teeth. The shark's body is covered in spots, and its eyes are a deep blue. The shark is a fearsome predator, and it is well-camouflaged in the ocean.
解析度 576x1024
喜歡 40
來自 點擊取得圖片的来源 (1008 x 1792)
模型 Stable Diffusion XLv0.9
微調 Leonardo Kino XL
提示词 Imagine if a shark and a leopard were combined into a single creature. Draw what this hybrid animal would look like, incorporating features from both the shark and the leopard. Consider elements such as the body shape, skin texture, fin structure, and pattern of spots or stripes to create a realistic representation of this imagined creature. The resulting hybrid should capture the sleekness and agility of a shark, combined with the grace and stealth of a leopard, resulting in a fascinating and formidable creature of the deep
參數 seed122919680
耗时: 3ms0,2,1