The image shows a large, realistic shark with two smaller sharks in the background. The shark has its mouth open and is showing its sharp teeth. It is swimming in a coral reef with many colorful fish, plants, and bubbles. The water is a deep blue color, and the sun is shining through
標題 Realistic shark with open mouth swimming in colorful coral reef.
描述 The image shows a large, realistic shark with two smaller sharks in the background. The shark has its mouth open and is showing its sharp teeth. It is swimming in a coral reef with many colorful fish, plants, and bubbles. The water is a deep blue color, and the sun is shining through
解析度 1024x512
來自 點擊取得圖片的来源 (2176 x 1088)
提示词 charturnerv2 illustration artwork musculine ( Hammerhead Shark scull:1.0) head like Atlantis jellyfish [demon:orca:0.5] in a sacura forest underwater, jellyfish and other sealife around with skull meduses, in eye socket sit crab, oxygen bubbles move a top anywere, volumetric light, sun rays bliked on a sund, rimlight at back, colorfull, subsurface scattering effect, \([lazure:blue:0.5]\) deep water color foreground with bubbles, Camera pov high angle 150mm, 8k postproduction cinematic shot charturnerv2, charturnerv2 photorealistic artwork musculine ( Hammerhead Shark scull:1.0) head like Atlantis jellyfish [demon:orca:0.5] in a sacura forest underwater, jellyfish and other sealife around with skull meduses, in eye socket sit crab, oxygen bubbles move a top anywere, volumetric light, sun rays bliked on a sund, rimlight at back, colorfull, subsurface scattering effect, \([lazure:blue:0.5]\) deep water color foreground with bubbles, Camera pov high angle 150mm, 8k postproduction cinematic shot charturnerv2
負面提示词 extra tile
參數 seednull steps100 samplerDPM++ 2M Karras CFG scale8 clip skip8
耗时: 3ms0,2,1