The image shows a cartoon shark. It has a big open mouth with sharp white teeth. Its body is blue and white. It has a large fin on its back and two smaller fins on its chest. The shark is facing the left of the image.
標題 Cartoon shark with open mouth, sharp teeth, blue and white.
描述 The image shows a cartoon shark. It has a big open mouth with sharp white teeth. Its body is blue and white. It has a large fin on its back and two smaller fins on its chest. The shark is facing the left of the image.
解析度 960x768
喜歡 1
來自 點擊取得圖片的来源 (960 x 768)
模型 Stable Diffusionv1.5
微調 Grilled_LampreyV10O7N5
LoRA fluffy shark cushionV1.0
提示词 <lora:cushion_v1:0.7>, Ghost shark
參數 seed1878891374 steps20 samplerEuler a CFG scale5 clip skip5
耗时: 3ms0,2,1