This image shows two anime girls with black hair. They are both wearing school uniforms. The girl on the left has yellow eyes and the girl on the right has red eyes. There are yellow flowers in their hair and around them.
標題 Anime girls in school uniforms with black hair, yellow and red eyes.
描述 This image shows two anime girls with black hair. They are both wearing school uniforms. The girl on the left has yellow eyes and the girl on the right has red eyes. There are yellow flowers in their hair and around them.
解析度 512x512
創意 85/100
喜歡 1
來自 點擊取得圖片的来源 (512 x 512)
模型 Stable Diffusionv1.5
LoRA Zombie Land SAGA—Mizuno AiV2
提示词 mizuno ai,red eyes, jacket, bow, school uniform, hair ornament, plaid bow, short hair, black hair,Small yellow flowers in the hair,, shirt,sweater_vest,yellow_vest upper body, plaid, blazer, hair flower, bowtie, hair between eyes, white shirt, flower, long sleeves,cardigan, bangs,
參數 seed1403384529 steps20 samplerEuler a CFG scale7 clip skip7
耗时: 3ms0,2,1